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Salvia officinalis - real sage
Salvia Officinalis, generally known as real sage or garden salvation, is an aromatic, multi -year plant from the family of the lip flower (Lamiaceae). This plant is widely known because of its characteristic aroma, its use in the kitchen and its medical properties.
Salvia Officinalis is a half -shrub that usually reaches growth heights of 30 to 60 centimeters. The plant is characterized by its gray -green, hairy leaves, which have an intensive aroma due to the rich essential oils. The leaves are lanceolate and have a wrinkled surface. Salvia officinalis develops bluish violets in summer flowers that are arranged in dense ears. These flowers are not only decorative, but also attract bees and other pollinators. The special chemical composition of Salvia Officinalis is a decisive factor for its medical and culinary importance. The plant contains a variety of bioactive connections, including: The essential oil of sage is rich in Thujon, a terpen that can be toxic in high doses. It also contains other connections such as Campher, 1.8-Cineol and Bornyl acetate. These compounds act as antioxidants and can help to reduce cell damage by free radicals. Some diterpenes such as carnosolic acid and rosemary acid are available in sage and are associated with antimicrobial and anti -inflammatory properties. These connections have astringent properties and can be useful in the treatment of sore throat and inflammation. Salvia Officinalis has a long history of use in phytotherapy and in the kitchen. Some of the most important pharmacological effects and applications of sage are: Due to its antimicrobial properties, sage is traditionally used to treat sore throats, colds and respiratory infections. The anti -inflammatory compounds in sage can be helpful for inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract and skin. Sage promotes digestion and can be soothing in the event of digestive complaints, flatulence and stomach cramps. Some research results indicate that sage can improve cognitive function and memory. Sage is often used in the kitchen due to its unique aroma in soups, sauces, meat dishes and as a spice.
Botanical characteristics
Chemical characteristics
Essential oils
Pharmacological meaning
Antimicrobial effect
Anti -inflammatory properties
Improvement of digestion
Improvement of memory performance
Culinary use
Sage is used in different shapes, including tea, tincture, essential oil and dried leaves. It is important to note that the dosage and application should take place carefully, since high doses of Thujon can be toxic.