Festuca elegans

Festuca elegans

Festuca elegans Is a species from the family of sweet...
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Alternanthera aquatica - Schwimmendes Papageienblatt

Alternanthera aquatica

Alternanthera aquatica is a herbaceous aquatic plant from the family...
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Chrysojasminum fruticans - Strauch-Jasmin

Chrysojasminum fruticans - Common yellow jasmine

Chrysojasminum fruticans, also known as common yellow jasmine, belongs to...
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Cupressus atlantica - Atlas-Zypresse

Cupressus atlantica - Moroccan cypress

Cupressus atlantica, also known as an Moroccan cypress, is a...
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Phillyrea angustifolia - Schmalblättrige Steinlinde

Phillyrea angustifolia - Mock Privet

Phillyrea angustifolia, also known as mock privet, is a species...
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Salvia discolor - Peruanischer Salbei

Salvia discolor - Andean sage

Salvia discolor, also known as "Peruvian sage" or "Andean sage",...
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Thymus thracicus - Lavendelthymian

Thymus thracicus - Lavender thyme

Thymus thracicus is a low -growing plant from the lip...
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Pelargonium denticulatum - Pinien Duftpelargonie

Pelargonium denticulatum

Pelargonium denticulatum belongs to the family of the stork's beak...
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Picea alcoquiana var. alcoquiana - Alcocks-Fichte

Picea alcoquiana var. alcoquiana - Alcock spruce

Picea alcoquiana var. alcoquiana, generally known as Alcock spruce or...
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