Gypsophila repens - Teppich Schleierkraut

Gypsophila repens - Alpine gypsophila

Gypsophila repens, known as alpine gypsophila, is a persistent herbaceous...
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Myrrhis odorata - Süßdolde

Myrrhis odorata - Sweet cicely

Myrrhis odorata, known as sweet cicely, is a multi-year herbaceous...
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Helleborus niger subsp. niger

Helleborus niger subsp. niger

Helleborus niger subsp. niger belongs to the family of Ranunculaceae....
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Dryopteris cambrensis subsp. insubrica

Dryopteris cambrensis subsp. insubrica

Dryopteris cambrensis subsp. insubrica, a subspecies of the Kambrian worm...
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Prunus mahaleb - Steinweichsel

Prunus mahaleb

Prunus mahaleb is a deciduous tree or shrub from the...
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Conium maculatum - Gefleckter Schierling

Conium maculatum - Spotted hemlock

Conium maculatum, generally known as a spotted hemlock, is a...
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Veratrum album - Weißer Germer

Veratrum album - False helleborine

Veratrum album, known as a false helleborine, is a multi...
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Gratiola officinalis - Gnadenkraut

Gratiola officinalis - Gratiole

Gratiola officinalis, known as Gratiole, is a multi-year herbaceous plant...
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Digitalis purpurea - Roter Fingerhut

Digitalis purpurea - Red foxglove

Digitalis purpurea, also known as the red foxglove, is a...
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