Salvia yangii - Blauraute

Salvia yangii - Russian sage

Salvia yangii, formerly known as Perovskia atriplicifolia And colloquially called...
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Salvia discolor - Peruanischer Salbei

Salvia discolor - Andean sage

Salvia discolor, also known as "Peruvian sage" or "Andean sage",...
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Salvia microphylla - Johannisbeer-Salbei

Salvia microphylla - Baby sage

Salvia microphylla, known as "baby sage" or "graham's sage", belongs...
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Salvia coahuilensis - Sierra Madre Salbei

Salvia coahuilensis - Coahuila sage

Salvia coahuilensis is a multi -year herbaceous plant from the...
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Salvia namaensis - Filigran Salbei

Salvia namaensis - Nama sage

Salvia namaensis is a multi -year plant from the genus...
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Artemisia abrotanum - Eberraute

Artemisia abrotanum - Southernwood

Artemisia abrotanum, also known as southernwood, belongs to the Asteraceae...
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Campanula portenschlagiana - Dalmatiner Glockenblume

Campanula portenschlagiana - Wall bellflower

Campanula portenschlagiana, known as the wall bellflower, is a persistent...
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Pelargonium denticulatum - Pinien Duftpelargonie

Pelargonium denticulatum

Pelargonium denticulatum belongs to the family of the stork's beak...
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Satureja spicigera - Kriechendes Bohnenkraut

Satureja spicigera - Creeping savory

Satureja spicigera, also known as creeping savory, belongs to the...
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