Isolepis cernua - Moorbinse

Isolepis cernua

Isolepis cernua is a multi -year plant from the family...
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Quercus coccifera - Kermeseiche

Quercus coccifera - Kermes oak

Quercus coccifera is an evergreen oak species that is particularly...
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Pinus nigra - Schwarzkiefer

Pinus nigra - Black pine

Pinus nigra, also known as a black pine, is a...
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Cirsium monspessulanum - Montpellier-Kratzdistel

Cirsium Monspessulanum - Montpellier -Kratzdistel

Cirsium Monspessulanum, generally known as Montpellier scratch thistle, is a...
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Hypericum androsaemum - Blut-Johanniskraut

Hypericum Androsaemum - Blood -Johanniskraut

Hypericum Androsaemum, generally known as blood-Johanniskraut, belongs to the Hypericaceae...
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Ephedra nebrodensis - Nebroden-Meerträubel

Ephedra Nebrodensis - Nebroden -Meiersträrbel

Ephedra Nebrodensis, also known as the Nebrod Ocean, belongs to...
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