Achillea millefolium - Schafgarbe

Achillea Millefolium - yarrow

Achillea Millefolium, generally known as a common yarrow, belongs to...
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Urtica dioica - Große Brennnessel

Urtica Dioica - large nettle

Urtica Dioica, generally known as a large nettle, is a...
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Datura stramonium - Stechapfel

Datura Stramonium - Stecapfel

Datura Stramonium, generally known as a steach, belongs to the...
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Artemisia absinthium - Wermut

Artemisia absinthe - wormwood

Artemisia Absinthium, generally known as wormwood, belongs to the Korbblütler...
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Arum maculatum - Gefleckter Aronstab

Arum maculatum - spotted Aronstab

Arum Maculatum, generally known as the spotted Aron or Waldarum,...
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Atropa belladonna - Tollkirsche

Atropa Belladonna - Tollkirsche

Atropa Belladonna, generally known as the rabid cherry, is a...
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Carica papaya - Papaya

Carica Papaya - Papaya

Carica Papaya, generally known as a papaya plant, belongs to...
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Daphne mezereum - Echter Seidelbast

Daphne Mezereum - real Seidelbast

Daphne Mezereum, generally known as Seidelbast, is a species of...
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Helleborus viridis - Grüne Nieswurz

Helleborus Viridis - Green Nieswurz

Helleborus Viridis, generally known as a green wet root, is...
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