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Urtica Dioica - large nettle
Urtica Dioica, generally known as a large nettle, is a widespread plant species that occurs in different parts of the world. This plant has a long history of use both in traditional medicine and in the kitchen.
Urtica Dioica is a herbaceous plant from the family of nettle plants (Urticaceae). It can reach a height of 30 to 150 centimeters and is characterized by its characteristic, dwarf leaves and the fine, burning hair that grow on the leaves and stems. When you touch this hair, you can inject irritating substances into the skin and burn and cause itching. The leaves are arranged and have a heart -shaped basis. Urtica Dioica produces inconspicuous, greenish flowers in panicles that are either male or female depending on the gender of the plant. The large nettle is at home in large parts of Europe, North America, Asia and Africa and also occurs in parts of South America. It is an extremely adaptable plant and grows in different habitats, including forests, meadows, banks of rivers and streams as well as near human settlements. The plant prefers nutrient -rich soils and can thrive in both sunny and shady areas. Urtica Dioica has a long history as a medicinal plant in different cultures. The plant contains a variety of bioactive compounds, including flavonoids, sterole and phenolic acids, which give it a wide range of medical applications. Here are some of the main applications of Urtica Dioica: The nettle is known for its anti -inflammatory properties and is often used to relieve inflammation in diseases such as arthritis and rheumatic complaints. The antioxidants contained in the plant can combat free radicals and thus help to reduce cell damage. Studies indicate that nettle extracts can lower blood pressure, which can be an advantage in the treatment of high blood pressure. Urtica Dioica has a mild diuretic effect that can help drainage of the body. Despite its burning hair, the nettle is sometimes used externally to relieve skin diseases such as eczema.
Botanical characteristics
Distribution and Habitat
Medical importance
Anti -inflammatory
Antioxidant effect
Blood pressure regulation
Diuretic effect
Skin care