Alternanthera aquatica - Schwimmendes Papageienblatt

Alternanthera aquatica

Alternanthera aquatica is a herbaceous aquatic plant from the family...
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Ageratina aromatica - Ageratum Dost

Ageratina aromatica - Lesser snakeroot

Ageratina aromatica is a multi -year herbaceous plant that is mainly...
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Acorus calamus - Kalmus

Acorus calamus - Sweet flag

Acorus calamus, also known as sweet flag, is a multi...
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Robinia hispida - Borstige Robinie

Robinia hispida - Bristly locust

Robinia hispida, also known as bristly locust, belongs to the...
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Gypsophila repens - Teppich Schleierkraut

Gypsophila repens - Alpine gypsophila

Gypsophila repens, known as alpine gypsophila, is a persistent herbaceous...
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Campsis radicans - Amerikanische Klettertrompete

Campsis radicans - Trumpet vine

Campsis radicans, generally known as a trumpet vine or climbing...
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Satureja spicigera - Kriechendes Bohnenkraut

Satureja spicigera - Creeping savory

Satureja spicigera, also known as creeping savory, belongs to the...
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Euonymus fortunei - Kletterspindel

Euonymus fortunei - Wintercreeper

Euonymus fortunei, known as wintercreeper or climbing spindle, is an...
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Cornus alba - Weißer Hartriegel

Cornus alba - Red barked dogwood

Cornus alba, generally known as red barked dogwood, is a...
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