Fagus sylvatica - Rotbuche

Fagus Sylvatica - Buche

Fagus Sylvatica, generally known as a beech, belongs to the...
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Polystichum setiferum - Weicher Schildfarn

Polystitch Setiferum - Soft Schildfarn

Polystichum Setiferum, generally known as the soft shield farn, is...
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Onoclea struthiopteris - Straußenfarn

Onoclea struthiopteris - ostrich fern

Onoclea Struthiopteris, generally known as an ostrich fern, belongs to...
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Cornus kousa - Japanischer Blumenhartriegel

Cornus Kousa - Japanese flower rack

Cornus Kousa, known as a Japanese flower rack, belongs to...
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Bidens triplinervia - Goldmarie

Bidens Triplinervia - Goldmarie

Bidens Triplinervia, generally known as Goldmarie, belongs to the Korbblütler...
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Basella alba - Malabarspinat

Basella Alba - Malabar spinach

Basella Alba, generally known as malabar spinach, is a herbaceous...
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Coleus scutellarioides - Buntnessel

Coleus scutellarioides - colorful nettle

Coleus scutellarioides, generally known as colored nettle, is a colorful...
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Selaginella pallescens - Blasser Moosfarn

Selaginella Pallescens - pale moss fern

Selaginella Pallescens, generally known as pale moss fern, belongs to...
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Erica arborea - Baumheide

Erica Arborea - Baumheide

Erica Arborea, generally known as Baumheide, belongs to the family...
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