Urtica dioica - Große Brennnessel

Urtica Dioica - large nettle

Urtica Dioica, generally known as a large nettle, is a...
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Hyoscyamus niger - Schwarzes Bilsenkraut

Hyoscyamus niger - black bilsrot

Hyoscyamus niger, generally known as black bils, belongs to the...
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Atropa belladonna - Tollkirsche

Atropa Belladonna - Tollkirsche

Atropa Belladonna, generally known as the rabid cherry, is a...
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Jacobaea analoga - Jakobs-Greiskraut

Jacobaea vulgaris - Jakobs cross herb

Jacobaea vulgaris, generally known as a Jakobs cross herb or...
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Mercurialis perennis - Wald-Bingelkraut

Mercurialis Perennis - forest -biting herb

Mercurialis Perennis, generally known as forest biker, belongs to the...
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Alnus glutinosa - Schwarzerle

Alnus Glutinosa - Schwarzerle

Alnus Glutinosa, generally known as black aluminum or common alder,...
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Ilex aquifolium - Europäische Stechpalme

Ilex Aquifolium - Stechpalme

Ilex aquifolium, generally known as a sting palm, is an...
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