Jacobaea vulgaris - Jakobs cross herb

Jacobaea vulgaris, generally known as a Jakobs cross herb or Jakobs-Greiskraut, is a species that pays attention in the botanical world due to its poisonous properties and invasive tendencies. This species belongs to the genus Jacobaea and the family of the Korbblütler (Asteraceae).

Jacobaea vulgaris - Jakobs -Greiskraut

Botanical characteristics

The Jakobs cross is a persistent plant that reaches a height of 30 to 100 centimeters. The leaves are slit deeply and have a gray -green color. The yellow flowers are arranged in loose umbrellas and form characteristic inflorescences. The plant produces numerous small seeds that contribute to distribution.

Distribution and habitat

Jacobaea vulgaris is native to Europe, North America and parts of Asia and has established itself as an invasive way in some regions. It prefers sunny locations and is often found in meadows, pastures, on the part of the road and on wasteland areas. The Jakobs cross is known for its adaptability to different soils and climate zones.

Jacobaea vulgaris - Jakobs -Greiskraut

Ecological meaning

Although the Jakobs cross is poisonous for humans and farm animals, it has a certain ecological meaning. The plant serves as a nectar source for some insects, including bees and butterflies. Their flowers contribute to pollination, which contributes to the preservation of other plants. In addition, the Jakobs cross can help stabilize pioneer vegetation in wasteland.

Potential risks

The Jakobs cross is known for its toxicity, especially for pasture animals such as horses and cattle. The consumption of plant parts can lead to severe liver damage or even death. In some regions in which the Jakobs Kreuzkraut has become invasive, it has negative effects on cattle economy and biodiversity.

Jacobaea vulgaris - Jakobs -Greiskraut


Combating the Jakobs crossbar requires a coordinated effort at regional and local level. This can include the timely removal of the plant, the grazing due to non-trouble animals and the promotion of natural enemies. The sensitization of the public for the risks of this plant is also crucial.

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