Bixa orellana - Annattostrauch

Bixa orellana

Bixa orellana is a tropical plant from the Bixaceae family....
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Tanacetum vulgare - Rainfarn

Tanacetum Vulgare - Rainfarn

Tanacetum Vulgare, generally known as Rainfarn, belongs to the Korbblütler...
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Sophora prostrata - Schnurbaum

Sophora prostra - cord tree

Sophora prostrata, generally known as the cord tree, is a...
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Hedera helix - Efeu

Hedera Helix - ivy

Hedera Helix, generally known as ivy, is a climbing evergreen...
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Chelidonium majus - Schöllkraut

Chelidonium Majus - Schöllkraut

Chelidonium Majus, also known as the bulk cabbage or a...
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Lysimachia vulgaris - Gilbweiderich

Lysimachia vulgaris - Gilbweiderich

Lysimachia Vulgaris, popularly known as a common Gilbweiderich or Günsel,...
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Coreopsis tinctoria - Mädchenauge

Coreopsis Tinctoria - girl's eye

Coreopsis Tinctoria, generally known as the colored yellow flower or...
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Cota tinctoria - Färberkamille

Cota Tinctoria - Farberkamille

Cota Tincoria, generally known as a dye brain or dyeing...
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Glebionis segetum - Saat-Wucherblume

Glebionis segetum - seed -growing flower

Glebionis Segetum, generally known as seed-growing flower or arable family,...
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