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Silene Chalcedonica - Burning Love
Silene Chalcedonica, generally known as fire flower or burning love, belongs to the Nelkenwäche family. This plant is characterized by its striking, bright red flowers and has a long history as an ornamental plant and in folk medicine.
Silene Chalcedonica is a persistent herbaceous plant that reaches stimulus heights of around 60 to 100 centimeters. The leaves are arranged, narrow and lanceolate. The characteristic quality of this plant are its striking flowers. These appear in bright red and have five crumpled petals that are put together to form a slightly bell -shaped structure. The flowers are often twice as large as the leaves and form striking inflorescences. Silene Chalcedonica is native to Europe and Asia and prefers moist habitats in river banks, forests and meadows. The plant is particularly adaptable and grows in different soil types as long as it can get enough moisture. Silene Chalcedonica has a long history in garden culture and is often planted in ornamental gardens and flower beds because of its striking red flowers. It can be increased from seeds or through division of the rhizomes. Due to its robustness and adaptability, the fire flower thrives in different climate zones.
The fruits of Silene Chalcedonica are capsules that contain numerous small seeds. The plant increases mainly through seed spread, but also through the formation of underground rhizomes.
The red flowers of Silene Chalcedonica are popular with a variety of pollinators, including bees and butterflies. The plant thus plays an important role in the pollination of wild plants and can contribute to the preservation of biodiversity in ecosystems.
The relationship between Silene Chalcedonica and her main pollinator, the moth Hadena Bicruris, is also of scientific interest. This moth lays its eggs on the flowers of the fire flower and the caterpillars feed on the seeds of the plant. This can lead to a conflict between the plant and the pollinator, since the plant wants to protect its seeds while the moth tries to feed its descendants.
Culture and use
Apart from her role as an ornamental plant, Silene Chalcedonica was used in folk medicine, especially in Russia and other parts of Eastern Europe. Various healing effects were attributed to her, including the treatment of stomach problems and as a blood -cleaning agent.