Cornus alba - Weißer Hartriegel

Cornus alba - Red barked dogwood

Cornus alba, generally known as red barked dogwood, is a...
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Aruncus sylvester var. sylvester

Aruncus sylvester var. sylvester

Aruncus sylvester var. sylvester is a multi -year herbaceous plant...
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Larix sibirica - Sibirische Lärche

Larix sibirica - Siberian larch

Larix sibirica, the Siberian larch, is a summer green needle...
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Ribes atropurpureum

Ribes atropurpureum

Ribes atropurpureum is a less well -known species from the...
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Sorbaria grandiflora - Grossblütige Fiederspiere

Sorbaria grandiflora

Sorbaria grandiflora belongs to the Rosaceae family. It comes from...
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Malus baccata - Kirschapfel

Malus baccata

Malus baccata belongs to the family of rose plants (rosaceae)....
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Veratrum album - Weißer Germer

Veratrum album - False helleborine

Veratrum album, known as a false helleborine, is a multi...
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Spiraea chamaedryfolia - Gamander-Spierstrauch

Spiraea chamaedryfolia - Germander meadowsweet

Spiraea chamaedryfolia, known as germander meadowsweet, is a shrub-like plant...
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Euphorbia seguieriana - Steppen-Wolfsmilch

Euphorbia seguieriana - Steppe spurge

Euphorbia seguieriana, also known as steppe spurge, is a multi-year...
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