Iris lactea

Iris lactea

Iris Lactea is a persistent, herbaceous plant from the family...
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Caragana arborescens - Gewöhnlicher Erbsenstrauch

Caragana arborescens - ordinary pea bush

Caragana Arborescence, generally known as an ordinary pea bush, belongs...
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Pinus pumila - Zwerg-Kiefer

Pinus Pumila - Dwarf jaw

Pinus Pumila, also known as a dwarf jaw or Krummholz...
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Gentiana dschungarica

Gentiana jungle

Gentiana Dungarica belongs to the Gentianaceae family and comes from...
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Rheum compactum

Rheum compactum

Rheum Compactum belongs to the family of the polygonaceae. This...
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Polemonium pulcherrimum - Schöne Jakobsleiter

Polemonium powderer - beautiful Jakob leader

Polemonium pulcan, generally known as beautiful Jakob leader or Showy...
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