Alternanthera aquatica - Schwimmendes Papageienblatt

Alternanthera aquatica

Alternanthera aquatica is a herbaceous aquatic plant from the family...
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Gypsophila repens - Teppich Schleierkraut

Gypsophila repens - Alpine gypsophila

Gypsophila repens, known as alpine gypsophila, is a persistent herbaceous...
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Cylindropuntia imbricata - Stauden Feigen-Kaktus

Cylindropuntia imbricata - Cane cholla

Cylindropuntia imbricata, also known as Cane cholla or "walking stick...
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Carpobrotus virescens

Carpobrotus virescens

Carpobrotus virescens belongs to the family of Aizoaceae and is...
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Astrophytum ornatum

Astrophytum ornatum

Astrophytum ornatum belongs to the family of cactus plants (cactaceae)....
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Mammillaria geminispina

Mammillaria geminispina

Mammillaria geminispina is a type of cactus from the cactaceae...
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Echinopsis oxygona

Echinopsis oxygona

Echinopsis oxygona belongs to the family of cactus plants (Cactaceae)....
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Drosera adelae - Queensland Sonnentau

Drosera adelae

Drosera adelae is a carnivorous plant that belongs to the...
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Drosera spatulata

Drosera spatulata

Drosera spatulata is a carnivorous plant from the family of...
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