Quercus macranthera - Persische Eiche

Quercus Macranthera - Persian oak

Quercus Macranthera, popularly known as Persian oak, is an impressive...
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Abies concolor - Coloradotanne

Abies Concolor - Coloradotanne

Abies Concolor, popularly known as Coloradotanne, is a majestic needle...
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Buxus sempervirens - Buchsbaum

Buxus Sempervirens - boxwood

Buxus Sempervirens, generally known as a boxwood, belongs to the...
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Hibiscus laevis - Glatter Hibiskus

Hibiscus Laevis - Glatter Hibiskus

Hibiscus Laevis, popularly known as a smooth hibiscus, belongs to...
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Bidens triplinervia - Goldmarie

Bidens Triplinervia - Goldmarie

Bidens Triplinervia, generally known as Goldmarie, belongs to the Korbblütler...
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Canna indica - Indisches Blumenrohr

Canna Indica - Indian flower tube

Canna Indica, known as an Indian flower tube, belongs to...
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