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Nicotiana Tabacum - tobacco
Nicotiana Tabacum, generally known as tobacco, belongs to the family of nightshade plants (Solanaceae). This plant has a long history of human use, mainly because of its tobacco content that is used in tobacco production.
The tobacco plant is a herbaceous plant with large, oval leaves and an upright growth form. The leaves are hairy and contain glands that create the characteristic aroma and tobacco taste. Depending on the variety, the plant can reach a considerable height and often produces flowers in the form of tubular, white or pink inflorescences. Nicotiana Tabacum is primarily located in the moderate climatic zones of America. It prefers well permeable soils and sunny locations. However, the plant was spread worldwide due to its cultural and economic importance and is grown in various climate zones. Tobacco is an important crop and is cultivated as an agricultural product in many countries. The most important ingredient of Nicotiana Tabacum is nicotine, an alkaloid that has psychoactive effects on the human body. In addition to nicotine, tobacco also contains other chemicals such as tar, carbon monoxide and numerous aromatic compounds. Due to these ingredients, tobacco is often smoked, chewed or sniffed, making it one of the most widespread legal drugs worldwide. The consumption of tobacco products is associated with considerable health risks. Smoking, especially, is a main cause of many fatal diseases, including different types of cancer, cardiovascular diseases and breathing problems. Nicotine addiction is a serious health problem associated with tobacco consumption, and the smoke of tobacco products can also be harmful from a second hand. Tobacco has not only played health effects, but also an important cultural and economic role. The use of tobacco in ritual and social contexts has a long tradition in many cultures. At an economic level, tobacco cultivation is an important agricultural industry and contributes to the economy of many countries. However, the focus is on health risks and ethical considerations in connection with tobacco production.
Morphology and characteristics
Growth conditions and distribution
Ingredients and use
Health effects and risks
Cultural importance and economic aspects