Thymus thracicus - Lavendelthymian

Thymus thracicus - Lavender thyme

Thymus thracicus is a low -growing plant from the lip...
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Robinia hispida - Borstige Robinie

Robinia hispida - Bristly locust

Robinia hispida, also known as bristly locust, belongs to the...
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Gypsophila repens - Teppich Schleierkraut

Gypsophila repens - Alpine gypsophila

Gypsophila repens, known as alpine gypsophila, is a persistent herbaceous...
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Phlox subulata - Polster-Flammenblume

Phlox subulata - Moss phlox

Phlox subulata, also known as moss phlox, is a low-growing,...
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Pelargonium denticulatum - Pinien Duftpelargonie

Pelargonium denticulatum

Pelargonium denticulatum belongs to the family of the stork's beak...
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Cylindropuntia imbricata - Stauden Feigen-Kaktus

Cylindropuntia imbricata - Cane cholla

Cylindropuntia imbricata, also known as Cane cholla or "walking stick...
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Pulmonaria officinalis - Geflecktes Lungenkraut

Pulmonaria officinalis - Common lungwort

The common lungwort (Pulmonaria officinalis) belongs to the family of...
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Rhododendron orbiculare - Rundblättriger Rhododendron

Rhododendron orbiculare - Round-leaved rhododendron

Rhododendron orbiculare, also known as a round-leaved rhododendron, is an...
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Astilbe chinensis - Chinesische Prachtspiere

Astilbe chinensis - Chinese astilbe

Astilbe chinensis, the Chinese astilbe, belongs to the family of...
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