Rosa pulverulenta


Rosa PuluUngenta belongs to the family of rose plants (Rosaceae)....
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Cotinus coggygria - Perückenstrauch

Cotinus Coggygria - wig bush

Cotinus Coggygria, generally known as wig shrub, smoke tree or...
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Ligustrum vulgare - Gewöhnlicher Liguster

Ligustrum vulgare - ordinary league

Ligustrum vulgarian, generally known as an ordinary league or European...
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Crataegus × macrocarpa nothovar. hadensis

Crataegus × macrocarpa Nothovar. Hadenensis

Crataegus × macrocarpa Nothovar. Hadensis, a natural hybrid from the...
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Cotoneaster integerrimus - Gewöhnliche Zwergmispel

Cotoneaster Integerrimus - ordinary dwarf misde

Cotoneaster Integerrimus, also known as the ordinary dwarf mispel or...
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Salix caspica - Kaspische Weide

Salix Caspica - Caspian pasture

Salix Caspica, generally known as the Caspian pasture, belongs to...
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