Berberis kunawurensis var. kunawurensis - Edgeworth-Berberitze

Berberis Kunawurensis Var. Kunawurensis - Edgeworth -Berberitz

Berberis Kunawurensis Var. Kunawurensis, also known as Edgeworth Berberitz, is...
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Chaenomeles speciosa - Chinesische Zierquitte

Chaenomeles Speciosa - Chinese ornamental quince

Chaenomeles Speciosa, also known as Chinese ornamental quince in German,...
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Pourthiaea villosa - Glanzmispel

Pourthiaea Villosa - glossy male

Pourthiaea Villosa, formerly known as Phhotinia Villlosa, belongs to the...
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Photinia davidiana - Funkenblatt

Phhotinia Davidiana - Funkenblatt

Phhotinia Davidiana, also known as the spark leaf, belongs to...
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Prunus cerasifera - Kirschpflaume

Prunus Cerasifera - cherry plum

Prunus Cerasifera, known as cherry plum or wild plum in...
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Rosa gallica - Essig-Rose

Rosa Gallica - vinegar rose

Rosa Gallica, also known as vinegar rose or pharmacist rose,...
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Rosa xanthina - Gelbe Rose

Rosa Xanthina - yellow rose

Rosa Xanthina, known as a yellow rose in German, belongs...
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Rosa roxburghii - Kastanien-Rose

Rosa Roxburghii - chestnut rose

Rosa Roxburghii, known as chestnut rose in German, belongs to...
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Rosa laevigata - Cherokee-Rose

Rosa Laevigata - Cherokee rose

Rosa Laevigata, known in German as a Cherokee rose, belongs...
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