Chrysocoma cernua

Chrysocoma cernua

Chrysocoma cernua belongs to the family of Asteraceae and is...
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Solanum sisymbriifolium - Litschi-Tomate

Solanum sisymbriifolium - Litschi tomato

Solanum sisymbriifolium, also known as a lychi tomato, is a...
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Pelargonium australe

Pelargonium australe

Pelargonium australe, a type of genus Pelargonium from the Geraniaceae...
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Dracophyllum secundum

Dracophyllum secundum

Dracophyllum secundum belongs to the family of the Ericaceae and...
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Carapichea ipecacuanha - Brechwurzel

Carapichea ipecacuanha

Carapichea ipecacuanha, also known as a crushing root, is an...
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Vaccinium corymbosum - Amerikanische Heidelbeere

Vaccinium corymbosum - American blueberry

Vaccinium corymbosum, known as American blueberry, is a plant from...
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