Solanum dulcamara - Bittersüßer Nachtschatten

Solanum Dulcamara - Bittersüßer Nightshade

Solanum Dulcamara, generally known as bittersweet nightshade, is a multi...
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Taxus baccata - Eibe

Taxus baccata - yew

The yew, scientifically known as Baccata Taxus, is an evergreen...
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Nicotiana tabacum - Tabak

Nicotiana Tabacum - tobacco

Nicotiana Tabacum, generally known as tobacco, belongs to the family...
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Gomphocarpus physocarpus - Ballonpflanze

Gomphocarpus Physocarpus - balloon plant

Gomphocarpus Physocarpus, known in popularly as a balloon plant, belongs...
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Bowiea volubilis - Kletterzwiebel

Bowiea Volubilis - climbing onion

Bowiea Volubilis, generally known as "climbing onions" or "Cover onion",...
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Arnica montana - Arnika

Arnica Montana - Arnika

Arnica Montana, generally known as Arnika, is a multi -year...
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Physochlaina orientalis - Büschelbilsenkraut

Physochlaina Orientalis - Büschelbilskraut

Physochlaina Orientalis, generally known as a tufted picture, belongs to...
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Hyoscyamus albus - Weißes Bilsenkraut

Hyoscyamus albus - white bilsrot

Hyoscyamus Albus, generally known as white bils, is a herbaceous...
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Nicotiana glauca - Baumtabak

Nicotiana Glauca - tree tobacco

Nicotiana Glauca, generally known as tree tobacco, belongs to the...
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