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Solanum Dulcamara - Bittersüßer Nightshade
Solanum Dulcamara, generally known as bittersweet nightshade, is a multi -year plant from the family of nightshade plants (Solanaceae). This climbing plant is widespread in Europe, Asia and parts of North America and, due to its striking berry fruits and medical uses, has attracted botanists and medicinal herbs.
Botanical characteristics
The bittersweet nightshade is a herbaceous climbing plant that can reach heights of up to 4 meters. The leaves are lanceolate and presented, while the flowers appear in grape -like panicles. The bright red berry fruits that give the plant its name are poisonous and contain alkaloids.
Ecological adjustments and distribution
Solanum Dulcamara thrives in moderate to subtropical climate zones and prefers moist, well -permeable soils. The plant is widespread in Europe, Asia and North America and often occurs in damp forests, on the edges of water and in disturbed areas. It shows a remarkable adaptability to different habitats.
Medical uses
Although the bitters of the bittersweet nightshade are poisonous, parts of the plant were used in traditional medicine. In some cultures it was used against skin diseases, rheumatism and fever. Modern research indicates that certain ingredients of the plant could have anti -inflammatory and pain -relieving properties. Nevertheless, caution is advised because the plant contains toxic components.
Economic and ecological meanings
From an economic point of view, Solanum Dulcamara is of limited importance because it is not used as a crop due to its toxicity. In nature, however, it plays an ecological role by offering a habitat for different types of insects and possibly contributing to land consolidation.
Cultural aspects and precautionary measures
In some cultures, the bittersweet nightshade was considered mystical due to its toxic nature and possible medical uses. It is important to point out that the plant should not be used independently medically because it carries significant health risks.