Euphorbia guentheri

Euphorbia Guentheri

Euphorbia Guentheri is a succulent from the wolf milk family...
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Viburnum carlesii - Koreanischer Schneeball

Viburnum Carlesii - Korean snowball

Viburnum Carlesii, popularly known as Korean snowball, belongs to the...
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Alkekengi officinarum - Lampionblume

Alkekengi Officinarum - lantern flower

Alkekengi Officinarum, also known as bladder or lampion flower, belongs...
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Asarum europaeum - Heimische Haselwurz

Asarum Europaeum - domestic hazel root

Asarum Europaeum, generally known as domestic hazel root, belongs to...
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Hepatica nobilis - Leberblümchen

Hepatica Nobilis - Leberflümchen

Hepatica Nobilis, generally known as liver flowers, belongs to the...
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Cytisus scoparius - Besenginster

Cytisus Scoparius - Besbruhinster

Cytisus Scoparius, generally known as a broom or broom shrub,...
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Ulex europaeus - Stechginster

Ulex Europaeus - Stechginster

Ulex Europaeus, generally known as the ordinary cushioned or bristle,...
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Polygonatum odoratum - Solomonssiegel

Polygonatum Odoratum - Solomone seal

Polygonatum Odoratum, also known as the fragrant solo seal, is...
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Coronilla varia - Bunte Kronwicke

Coronilla Varia - Colorful Kronwicke

Coronilla Varia, also known as a colorful crown turn, belongs...
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