Ficus religiosa - Bodhibaum

Ficus Religiosa - Bodhibaum

Ficus Religiosa, also known as the holy fig tree or...
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Buckleya distichophylla

Buckleya Distichophylla

Buckleya Distichophylla, belongs to the family of sandalwood plants (Santalaceae)....
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Ribes alpinum - Alpen-Johannisbeere

Ribes Alpinum - Alpen -Johannisberry

Ribes alpinum, generally known as Alpen-Johannisberry or Alpine Hollunder, is...
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Acer pseudoplatanus - Bergahorn

Acer Pseudoplatanus - Berghaorn

Acer Pseudoplatanus, generally known as a mountain hamper, is a...
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Carpinus laxiflora - Koreanische Hainbuche

Carpinus Laxiflora - Korean hornbeam

Carpinus Laxiflora, generally known as Korean hornbeam, is located in...
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Cedrus libani - Libanon-Zeder

Cedrus libani - Lebanon -Zeder

Cedrus Lebani, known as Lebanon-Zeder, is a majestic needle tree...
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Fagus sylvatica - Rotbuche

Fagus Sylvatica - Buche

Fagus Sylvatica, generally known as a beech, belongs to the...
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Quercus macranthera - Persische Eiche

Quercus Macranthera - Persian oak

Quercus Macranthera, popularly known as Persian oak, is an impressive...
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Abies concolor - Coloradotanne

Abies Concolor - Coloradotanne

Abies Concolor, popularly known as Coloradotanne, is a majestic needle...
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