Hypericum perforatum - Johanniskraut

Hypericum perforatum - St. John's wort

Hypericum perforatum, generally known as St. John's wort, belongs to...
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Humulus lupulus - Echter Hopfen

Humulus Lupulus - real hops

The hops, scientifically referred to as humulus lupulus, is primarily...
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Datura stramonium - Stechapfel

Datura Stramonium - Stecapfel

Datura Stramonium, generally known as a steach, belongs to the...
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Allamanda cathartica - Goldtrompete

Allamanda Cathartica - gold trumpet

Allamanda Cathartica, generally known as a gold trumpet, belongs to...
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Artemisia absinthium - Wermut

Artemisia absinthe - wormwood

Artemisia Absinthium, generally known as wormwood, belongs to the Korbblütler...
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Betula pubescens - Moorbirke

Betula Pubescens - Moorbirke

Betula Pubescens, generally known as Moorbirke, belongs to the family...
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Brugmansia suaveolens

Brugmansia Suaveolens

Brugmansia Suaveolens, generally known as an angel's trumpet tree, belongs...
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Cinnamomum verum - Echte Zimtpflanze

Cinnamomum Verum - real cinnamon plant

Cinnamomum Verum, generally known as a real cinnamon plant, belongs...
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Cocos nucifera - Kokospalme

Cocos nucifera - coconut palm

Cocos Nucifera, generally known as coconut palm, belongs to the...
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