Carpinus betulus - Hainbuche

Carpinus Betulus - Hainbuch

Carpinus Betulus, generally known as hornbeam, is a deciduous tree...
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Taxus baccata - Eibe

Taxus baccata - yew

The yew, scientifically known as Baccata Taxus, is an evergreen...
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Bidens triplinervia - Goldmarie

Bidens Triplinervia - Goldmarie

Bidens Triplinervia, generally known as Goldmarie, belongs to the Korbblütler...
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Canna indica - Indisches Blumenrohr

Canna Indica - Indian flower tube

Canna Indica, known as an Indian flower tube, belongs to...
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Alstroemeria x cultorum 'Summer Breeze' - Inkalilie

Alstroemeria X Cultorum 'Summer Breeze' - Incalile

Astroemeria X Cultorum 'Summer Breeze' is a remarkable variety of...
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Ochna kirkii - Mickey-Mouse-Pflanze

Ochna Kirkii-Mickey Mouse Plant

Ochna Kirkii, generally known as a Mickey mouse plant or...
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Gossypium arboreum - Baumwolle

Gossypium Arboreum - cotton

Gossypium Arboreum, generally known as cotton, is an important plant...
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Fenestraria rhopalophylla - Lebende Fensterpflanze

Fenestraria Rhopalophylla - window plant

Fenestraria Rhopalophylla, generally known as the window plant, belongs to...
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Semele androgyna

Semele androgyna

Semele Androgyna belongs to the Asparagaceae family. The original distribution focus...
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