Borago officinalis - Borretsch

Borago Officinalis - Borage

Borago Officinalis, generally known as Borage, belongs to the Raublatt...
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Hyssopus officinalis - Blauer Ysop

Hyssopus officinalis - blue yysop

Hyssopus Officinalis, generally known as blue YSOP, is an aromatic...
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Echinacea purpurea - Sonnenhut

Echinacea Purpurea - sun hat

Echinacea Purpurea, generally known as a purple sun hat or...
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Wisteria sinensis - Blauregen

Wisteria Sinensis - Blaurel

Wisteria Sinensis, generally known as a Chinese wirring, belongs to...
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Cichorium intybus - Wegwarte

Cichorium Intybus - Warte

Cichorium Intybus, generally known as a common way or zichorie,...
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Achillea millefolium - Schafgarbe

Achillea Millefolium - yarrow

Achillea Millefolium, generally known as a common yarrow, belongs to...
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Filipendula ulmaria - Mädesüß

Filipendula Ulmaria - Mädesüß

Filipendula Ulmaria, generally known as real meadowsweet, belongs to the...
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Datura stramonium - Stechapfel

Datura Stramonium - Stecapfel

Datura Stramonium, generally known as a steach, belongs to the...
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Hyoscyamus niger - Schwarzes Bilsenkraut

Hyoscyamus niger - black bilsrot

Hyoscyamus niger, generally known as black bils, belongs to the...
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