Commiphora kua - Afrikanische Myrrhe

Commiphora Kua - African Myrrh

Commiphora Kua, generally known as African Myrrh, is a plant...
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Nicotiana glauca - Baumtabak

Nicotiana Glauca - tree tobacco

Nicotiana Glauca, generally known as tree tobacco, belongs to the...
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Trochodendron aralioides - Radbaum

Trochodendron Aralioides - Radbaum

Trochodendron Aralioides, generally known as a bike tree, comes from...
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Citrus × aurantium - Bitterorange

Citrus × aurantium - bitter orange

Citrus × aurantium, generally known as bitter orange, is a...
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Polygala myrtifolia - Myrten Kreuzblume

Polygala Myrtifolia - Myrten Kreuzblume

Polygala Myrtifolia, also known as the myrtle -leafed cross flower,...
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Senna corymbosa - Gewürzrinde

Senna Corymbosa - spice bark

Senna Corymbosa, also known as Argentine Senna or spice bark,...
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Mimosa polycarpa - Vielblütige Mimose

Mimosa polycarpa - multilayed mimosa

Mimosa Polycarpa, also known as a multi -blooded mimosa or...
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Malus domestica - Kulturapfel

Malus domestica - cultural apple

Malus Domestica, generally known as the apple tree, is one...
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Frangula alnus - Faulbaum

Frangula Alnus - Faulbaum

Frangula Alnus, also known as the rotten tree or worm...
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