Taxodium distichum - Sumpfzypresse

Taxodium distichum - swamp cypress

Taxodium distichum, generally known as the swamp cypress, belongs to...
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Cornus kousa - Japanischer Blumenhartriegel

Cornus Kousa - Japanese flower rack

Cornus Kousa, known as a Japanese flower rack, belongs to...
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Solanum betaceum - Baumtomate

Solanum Betaceum - tree tomato

Solanum Betaceum, generally known as tree tomato or Tamarillo, is...
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Citrus reticulata - Mandarine

Citrus Reticulata - Mandarine

Citrus Reticulata, generally known as a mandarin, is a citrus...
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Ochna kirkii - Mickey-Mouse-Pflanze

Ochna Kirkii-Mickey Mouse Plant

Ochna Kirkii, generally known as a Mickey mouse plant or...
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Cola acuminata - Kolabaum

Cola acuminata - colaba tree

Cola acuminata, generally known as a colaba tree or colanus,...
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Ficus carica - Feigenbaum

Ficus Carica - fig tree

Ficus Carica, generally known as fig tree, is a fascinating...
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Erica arborea - Baumheide

Erica Arborea - Baumheide

Erica Arborea, generally known as Baumheide, belongs to the family...
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Rhodocactus grandifolius

Rhodocactus Grandifolius

Rhodocactus Grandifolius is a native green, succulent shrub or tree...
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