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Viburnum lantana - woolen snowball
Viburnum Lantana, also known as a woolly snowball, belongs to the Viburnaceae family. This species is known for its attractive flowers, fruits and deciduous colors and has far -reaching distribution in Europe, Asia and North Africa.
Viburnum Lantana is a deciduous shrub that can reach a height of up to 3 meters. The leaves are oval to egg -shaped, have a jagged or sawn edge and a velvety surface. In spring, the plant produces fragrant, cream -colored flowers, which are arranged in flat, umbrella -shaped inflorescences. In late summer until autumn, rounds, red fruits, which attract birds and other animals. Viburnum Lantana is adapted to a variety of habitats and thrives in moderate to warm climates. It prefers sunny to partially shaded locations and often occurs in leaf and mixed forests, bushes, forest edges as well as on rocky slopes and shores of waters. The plant is tolerant compared to different soil types as long as they are well permeable and not too dry. Due to their attractive flowers, fruits and deciduous colors, Viburnum Lantana is often used in gardens and parks as a decorative shrub. It is particularly suitable for natural gardens and can be planted as a solitaire plant or in groups. In addition, the fruits of birds and other animals are consumed, which contributes to promoting biodiversity in gardens and natural habitats. Viburnum Lantana is currently not classified as endangered, but like many plant species, it is exposed to the effects of loss of habitat and environmental changes. The protection of their natural habitats, especially forests and near -natural areas, is crucial for their long -term survival. In addition, invasive plant species and non -sustainable landscape practices can endanger the stocks of Viburnum Lantana.
Botanical characteristics
Ecological adaptability
Use and use
Conservation and challenges