Physochlaina orientalis - Büschelbilsenkraut

Physochlaina Orientalis - Büschelbilskraut

Physochlaina Orientalis, generally known as a tufted picture, belongs to...
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Mandragora officinarum - Alraune

Mandragora Officinarum - Alraun

Mandragora Officinarum, generally known as the Alraun, is a fascinating...
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Mentha × piperita - Pfefferminze

Mentha × Piperita - peppermint

Mentha × Piperita, generally known as peppermint, represents a hybrid...
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Musa basjoo - Japanische Faserbanane

Musa Basjoo - Japanese fiber banana

Musa Basjoo, generally known as Japanese fiber banana, belongs to...
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Tinantia erecta - Aufrechte Witwenträne

Tinantia erecta - upright widow tear

Tinantia ERECTA, also known as upright widow tears, belongs to...
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Allium cepa - Zwiebel

Allium Cepa - onion

Allium Cepa, generally known as onion, is an edible plant...
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Polygala myrtifolia - Myrten Kreuzblume

Polygala Myrtifolia - Myrten Kreuzblume

Polygala Myrtifolia, also known as the myrtle -leafed cross flower,...
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Mimosa polycarpa - Vielblütige Mimose

Mimosa polycarpa - multilayed mimosa

Mimosa Polycarpa, also known as a multi -blooded mimosa or...
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Sherardia arvensis - Ackerröte

Sherardia Arvensis - Ackröte

Sherardia Arvensis, generally known as the field or arable report,...
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