Erica carnea - Schneeheide

Erica Carnea - Schneeheide

Erica Carnea, also as Snowyeil or Winterheide is known, is...
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Chamaecyparis obtusa - Hinoki-Scheinzypresse

Chamaecyparis Obtusa - Hinoki femorial cypress

Chamaecyparis Obtusa, generally known as Hinoki femorial press, belongs to...
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Cephalotaxus harringtonia - Japanische Kopfeibe

Cephalotaxus Harringtonia - Japanese headache

Cephalotaxus Harringtonia, popularly known as the Japanese header, belongs to...
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Acer japonicum - Japanischer Ahorn

Acer Japonicum - Japanese maple

Acer Japonicum, generally known as Japanese maple, belongs to the...
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Calluna vulgaris - Sommerheide

Calluna Vulgaris - Sommerheide

Calluna Vulgaris, generally known as Sommerheide or Besenheide, belongs to...
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Picea abies - Fichte

Picea Abies - Fichte

Picea Abies, generally known as common spruce, is an important...
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