Primula secundiflora - Himalaya-Primel

Primula Secundiflora - Himalaya -Primel

Primula Secundiflora, generally known as Himalaya primel, belongs to the...
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Dryopteris filix-mas - Echter Wurmfarn

Dryopteris Filix -Mas - real worm fern

The real worm fern (Dryopteris Filix-Mas) is a widespread type...
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Meum athamanticum - Bärwurz

Meum Athamanticum - Bärwurz

Meum Athamanticum, generally known as a bear root, belongs to...
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Fitzroya cupressoides - Patagonische Zypresse

Fitzroya Cupressoides - Patagonian cypress

Fitzroya Cupressoides, generally known as Alerc or Patagonian cypress, is...
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Acer pseudosieboldianum - Koreanischer Ahorn

Acer pseudosieboldianum - Korean maple

Acer pseudosieboldianum, generally known as the Korean maple, belongs to...
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Polypodium vulgare - Tüpfelfarn

Polypodium vulgarian - icmon fern

Polypodium vulgar, generally known as the common icingon, belongs to...
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