Solidago virgaurea - Goldrute

Solidago Virgaurea - goldenrod

Solidago Virgaurea, also known as a real gold rod or...
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Calendula officinalis - Ringelblume

Calendula officinalis - marigold

The Calendula Officinalis, popularly known as a marigold, is a...
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Ginkgo biloba - Ginkgobaum

Ginkgo Biloba - Ginkgobaum

Ginkgo Biloba, generally known as the Ginkgo tree, is a...
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Hypericum perforatum - Johanniskraut

Hypericum perforatum - St. John's wort

Hypericum perforatum, generally known as St. John's wort, belongs to...
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Silybum marianum - Mariendistel

Silybum Marianum - Mary thistle

Silybum Marianum, generally known as the dukes, belongs to the...
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Borago officinalis - Borretsch

Borago Officinalis - Borage

Borago Officinalis, generally known as Borage, belongs to the Raublatt...
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