Ephedra distachya - Gewöhnliches Meerträubel

Ephedra Distachya - ordinary marine strobes

Ephedra Distachya, generally known as marine tubes, is a plant...
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Ampelopsis glandulosa - Ussuri-Scheinrebe

Ambelopsis Glandulosa - Ussuri femorial vine

The traffic lights of Glandulosa, also known as the Ussuri...
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Kirengeshoma palmata - Japanische Wachsglocke

Kirengeshoma Palmata - Japanese wax bell

Kirengeshoma Palmata, generally known as the Japanese wax bell, belongs...
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Ricinus communis - Wunderbaum

Ricinus Communis - Wunderbaum

Ricinus Communis, also known as castor or Wunderbaum, belongs to...
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Euphorbia characias - Palisaden Wolfsmilch

Euphorbia Characias - Palisaden Wolfsmilch

Euphorbia Characias, popularly known as the Mediterranean wolf milk or...
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Senna corymbosa - Gewürzrinde

Senna Corymbosa - spice bark

Senna Corymbosa, also known as Argentine Senna or spice bark,...
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Inula helenium - Echter Alant

Inula Helenium - Real Alant

Inula Helenium, generally known as a real Alant, belongs to...
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Pseudopodospermum hispanicum - Garten-Schwarzwurzel

Pseudopodospermum Hispanicum - garden -black root

Pseudopodospermum Hispanicum, known in popularly known as a salsify, belongs...
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Tetragonia tetragonoides - Neuseeländer Spinat


TEPHEPONIA TEPRENTONOIDES, generally known as New Zealand spinach or gourmet...
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