Onoclea struthiopteris - Straußenfarn

Onoclea struthiopteris - ostrich fern

Onoclea Struthiopteris, generally known as an ostrich fern, belongs to...
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Quercus macranthera - Persische Eiche

Quercus Macranthera - Persian oak

Quercus Macranthera, popularly known as Persian oak, is an impressive...
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Abies concolor - Coloradotanne

Abies Concolor - Coloradotanne

Abies Concolor, popularly known as Coloradotanne, is a majestic needle...
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Cunninghamia lanceolata - Spießtanne

Cunninghamia Lanceolata - Spieß fir

Cunninghamia Lanceolata, popularly known as a skewer, is an impressive...
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Taxodium distichum - Sumpfzypresse

Taxodium distichum - swamp cypress

Taxodium distichum, generally known as the swamp cypress, belongs to...
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Cornus kousa - Japanischer Blumenhartriegel

Cornus Kousa - Japanese flower rack

Cornus Kousa, known as a Japanese flower rack, belongs to...
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Buxus sempervirens - Buchsbaum

Buxus Sempervirens - boxwood

Buxus Sempervirens, generally known as a boxwood, belongs to the...
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Lagenaria siceraria - Flaschenkürbis

Lagenaria Siceraria - bottle pumpkin

Lagenaria Siceraria, known as bottle pumpkin or bottle pumpkin lantern,...
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Brocchinia reducta - Fleischfressende Bromelie

Brocchinia Reducta - carnivorous bromelia

Brocchinia Reducta is a carnivorous plant that belongs to the...
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