Hyssopus officinalis - Blauer Ysop

Hyssopus officinalis - blue yysop

Hyssopus Officinalis, generally known as blue YSOP, is an aromatic...
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Wisteria sinensis - Blauregen

Wisteria Sinensis - Blaurel

Wisteria Sinensis, generally known as a Chinese wirring, belongs to...
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Achillea millefolium - Schafgarbe

Achillea Millefolium - yarrow

Achillea Millefolium, generally known as a common yarrow, belongs to...
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Filipendula ulmaria - Mädesüß

Filipendula Ulmaria - Mädesüß

Filipendula Ulmaria, generally known as real meadowsweet, belongs to the...
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Sambucus nigra - Schwarzer Holunder

Sambucus nigra - black elderberry

Sambucus Nigra, generally known as a black elderberry, is a...
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Artemisia absinthium - Wermut

Artemisia absinthe - wormwood

Artemisia Absinthium, generally known as wormwood, belongs to the Korbblütler...
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Brugmansia suaveolens

Brugmansia Suaveolens

Brugmansia Suaveolens, generally known as an angel's trumpet tree, belongs...
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Calophyllum inophyllum - Alexandrischer Lorbeer

Calophyllum inophyllum - Alexandrian laurel

Calophyllum inophyllum, generally known as Alexandrian laurel, belongs to the...
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Chrysopogon zizanioides - Vetivergras

Chrysopogon Zizanioides - VetiveGrass

Chrysopogon Zizanioides, generally known as VetiveGrass, belongs to the family...
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