Ribes rubrum - Rote Johannisbeere

Ribes rubrum - red currant

Ribes Rubrum, generally known as red currant, is a profitable...
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Vicia faba - Ackerbohne

Vicia Faba - Farbon Bean

Vicia Faba, generally known as arable bean, is an important...
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Raphanus raphanistrum - Acker-Rettich

Raphanus rapanistrum - field radish

Raphanus raphannistrum, generally known as the arable radish or wild...
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Brassica rapa - Rübsen

Brassica Rapa - Rübsen

Brassica Rapa, generally known as Rübsen, is a versatile species...
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Cucumis sativus - Gurke

Cucumis sativus - cucumber

Cucumis Sativus, generally known as cucumber, is a species of...
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Teucrium scorodonia - Salbei-Gamander

Teucrium Scorodonia - Sage Gamander

Teucrium Scorodonia, also known as sage gamander or Wald-Germander, is...
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Vaccinium vitis-idaea - Preiselbeere

Vaccinium vitis -idea - cranberry

Vaccinium vitis-idea, generally known as cranberry, is an evergreen plant...
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Allium cepa - Zwiebel

Allium Cepa - onion

Allium Cepa, generally known as onion, is an edible plant...
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Rubus idaeus - Himbeere

Rubus Idaeus - raspberry

The raspberry, scientifically known as Rubus Idaeus, belongs to the...
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