Helianthus annuus - Sonnenblume

Helianthus Annuus - sunflower

Helianthus Annuus, generally known as sunflower, belongs to the Korbblütler...
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Hepatica nobilis - Leberblümchen

Hepatica Nobilis - Leberflümchen

Hepatica Nobilis, generally known as liver flowers, belongs to the...
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Solanum melongena - Aubergine

Solanum Melongena - Aubergine

Solanum Melongena, generally known as eggplant or egg fruit, belongs...
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Nicotiana sylvestris - Waldtabak

Nicotiana Sylvestris - forest tobacco

Nicotiana Sylvestris, generally known as forest tobacco, belongs to the...
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Santolina chamaecyparissus - Silbrigblättriges Heiligenkraut

Santolina Chamaecyparissus - Silbrig -leafed saint herb

Santolina Chamaecyparissus, generally known as silver -leafed saint herb, belongs...
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Marrubium vulgare - Gewöhnlicher Andorn

Marrubium vulgarian - ordinary Andorn

Marrubium vulgarian, generally known as the ordinary substructure or white...
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