Alocasia sanderiana - Pfeilblatt

Alocasia Sanderiana - arrow sheet

Alocasia Sanderiana, generally known as the arrow sheet, belongs to...
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Vanilla planifolia - Echte Vanille

Vanilla Planifolia - real vanilla

Vanilla Planifolia, generally known as vanilla orchid or real vanilla,...
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Coleus scutellarioides - Buntnessel

Coleus scutellarioides - colorful nettle

Coleus scutellarioides, generally known as colored nettle, is a colorful...
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Plumbago auriculata - Kap-Bleiwurz

Plumbago Auriculata - Cape Calculation

Plumbago Auriculata, generally known as a Cap-Leiwurz, belongs to the...
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Bowiea volubilis - Kletterzwiebel

Bowiea Volubilis - climbing onion

Bowiea Volubilis, generally known as "climbing onions" or "Cover onion",...
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Berkheya purpurea - Südafrikanische Purpurdistel

Berkheya Purpurea - South African purple pourdistle

Berkheya Purpurea, generally known as South African purple tistula, belongs...
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