Crataegus monogyna - Eingriffeliger Weißdorn

Crataegus Monogyna - Intervented Historical Thorn

Crataegus Monogyna, generally known as an intervelable hawthorn, is a...
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Calamagrostis arenaria - Strandhafer

Calamagrostis Arenaria - Beach Hair

Calamagrostis Arenaria, generally known as the beach harbor, belongs to...
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Eryngium campestre - Feld-Mannstreu

Eryngium Campestre - Feld -Mannstreu

Eryngium Campestre, generally known as Feld-Mannstreu, belongs to the family...
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Prunus spinosa - Schlehe

Prunus Spinosa - Schlehe

Prunus Spinosa, generally known as black thorn or Schlehe, is...
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Equisetum telmateia - Riesenschachtelhalm

Equisetum Telmateia - giant box

Equisetum Telmateia, generally known as the giant box, belongs to...
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Polystichum setiferum - Weicher Schildfarn

Polystitch Setiferum - Soft Schildfarn

Polystichum Setiferum, generally known as the soft shield farn, is...
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Taxus baccata - Eibe

Taxus baccata - yew

The yew, scientifically known as Baccata Taxus, is an evergreen...
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Buxus sempervirens - Buchsbaum

Buxus Sempervirens - boxwood

Buxus Sempervirens, generally known as a boxwood, belongs to the...
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Ononis spinosa - Dornige Hauhechel

Ononis spinosa - thorny Hauhechel

Ononis Spinosa, popularly known as a Dorniger Hauhechel, is a...
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