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Adonis Davidi - David Adonis Beast
The plant Adonis Davidi, also known as David Adonis Roress, is a multi-year herbaceous plant that belongs to the Ranunculaceae family. This plant family is known for their diversity and includes around 2,500 species that are widespread worldwide. Adonis Davidi is particularly native to moderate zones in Asia, especially in the mountain regions of China and the neighboring countries.
Adonis Davidi is characterized by its striking yellow flowers, which usually appear in late spring until early summer. The flowers have a diameter of about 4-5 cm and consist of numerous, bright yellow petals. The plant reaches a height of around 20-30 cm. The leaves are finely feathered, which gives them a delicate and filigree appearance. These morphological characteristics are typical of the genus Adonis and contribute to pollination by insects. Adonis Davidi prefers to grow in limestone floors and prefers locations with good drainage. It can often be found in alpine and subalpine meadows as well as in stony slopes and clearings. The plant needs full sunlight and a cool surroundings, which explains its adaptation to high layers. These ecological requirements make Adonis Davidi an ideal plant for alpine gardens and natural landscapes. The life cycle of Adonis Davidi begins with the germination of the seeds in early spring. After germination, the plant develops a rosette of basic leaves, from which the flower stems later grow up. The flowers open in late spring and are mainly pollinated by bees and other insects. After pollination, the seeds develop in small fruit stands that are ripened in summer and spread by wind and animals. Although Adonis Davidi is not considered acutely endangered in its natural distribution, it is still threatened by habitat loss and excessive collection for horticulture. Many natural habitats of this plant are particularly threatened in China, where industrialization and urbanization progresses. Protective measures include the establishment of nature reserves and the promotion of sustainable collecting. Botanical gardens also play an important role in preserving the genetic diversity of this kind. Adonis Davidi not only has an aesthetic value, but also cultural importance in some regions of Asia. In traditional Chinese medicine, parts of the plant are used to treat various symptoms, although the scientific basis is limited. However, it is known that many members of the Ranunculaceae family contain bioactive connections that can have pharmacological effects.
Morphology and anatomy
Ecology and Habitat
Life cycle and reproduction
Hanging and protective measures
Use and cultural importance