Salix reticulata - Netz-Weide

Salix Reticulata - network pasture

Salix Reticulata, known as network pasture or network-leaved pasture, belongs...
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Rhododendron groenlandicum - Grönländischer Porst

Rhododendron Groenlandicum - Greenland Porst

Rhododendron Groenlandicum, also known as Greenland Porst, belongs to the...
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Allium sikkimense - Sikkim-Lauch

Allium Sikkimensse - Sikkim -Luch

Allium Sikkimense, generally known as Sikkim-Lauch, belongs to the Amaryllidaceae...
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Sorbus setschwanensis

Sorbus Setschwanensis

Sorbus Setschwanensis, belongs to the Rosaceae family. This deciduous tree...
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Adonis davidi - David-Adonisröschen

Adonis Davidi - David Adonis Beast

The plant Adonis Davidi, also known as David Adonis Roress,...
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Leontopodium wilsonii

Leontopodium Wilsonii

The home of the Edelweiß type Leontopodium Wilsonii lies in...
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Leontopodium sinense - Chinesisches Edelweiß

Leontopodium Sinense - Chinese Edelweiß

The home of the Edelweiß species Leontopodium Sinense is in...
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Dasiphora parvifolia

Dasiphora parvifolia

Dasiphora Parvifolia is a flowering plant from the family of...
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Ephedra monosperma

Ephedra Monosperma

Ephedra Monosperma belongs to the Ephedraceae family. This unusual plant...
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