Amelanchier ovalis - Gewöhnliche Felsenbirne

Amelanchier Ovalis - ordinary rock pear

Amelanchier Ovalis, known in German as an ordinary rock bulb,...
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Laburnum anagyroides - Gemeiner Goldregen

Laburnum anagyroides - common golden rain

Laburnum Anagyroides, known in German as a common golden rain,...
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Caragana arborescens - Gewöhnlicher Erbsenstrauch

Caragana arborescens - ordinary pea bush

Caragana Arborescence, generally known as an ordinary pea bush, belongs...
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Syringa persica - Persischer Flieder

Syringa Persica - Persian lilac

Syringa Persica, known in German as Persian lilac, belongs to...
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Viburnum lobophyllum

Viburnum Lobophyllum

Viburnum Lobophyllum belongs to the family of the Viburnaceae. This...
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Betula utilis subsp. albosinensis - Kupferbirke

Betula Utilis subsp. Albosinensis - copper birch

Betula Utilis subsp. Albosinensis, generally known as the copper birch,...
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