Aeonium decorum

Aeonium decorum

Aeonium decorum ist eine sukkulente Pflanzenart, die zur Familie der...
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Bixa orellana - Annattostrauch

Bixa orellana

Bixa orellana is a tropical plant from the Bixaceae family....
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Tabernanthe iboga - Iboga

Tabernanthe iboga - Iboga

Tabernanthe iboga, generally referred to as iboga, is a plant...
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Crassula ovata - Geldbaum

Crassula ovata

Crassula ovata is a succulent plant from the family of...
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Echinopsis oxygona

Echinopsis oxygona

Echinopsis oxygona belongs to the family of cactus plants (Cactaceae)....
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Pelargonium australe

Pelargonium australe

Pelargonium australe, a type of genus Pelargonium from the Geraniaceae...
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