Furcraea foetida - Grüne Agave

Furcraea foetida - green agave

Furraea Foetida, generally known as the agave of the Caribbean...
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Guettarda speciosa - Strandwurzel

Guettarda Speciosa - beach root

Guettarda Speciosa, generally known as Guettarda or beach root, originally...
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Ludia mauritiana

Ludia Mauritiana

Ludia Mauritiana is native to the Seychelles, Madagascar, Mauritius and...
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Mangifera indica - Mangobaum

Mangifera indica - mango tree

Mangifera Indica, generally known as a mango tree, is located...
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Rosa rugosa - Kartoffelrose

Rosa rugosa - potato rose

Rosa rugosa, generally referred to as potato rose or rose...
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Terminalia catappa - Katappenbaum

Terminalia Catappa - Katapenbaum

The Terminalia Catappa, also known as a catapple tree or...
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