Aeonium dodrantale

Aeonium Dograntale

Aeonium Dodrantale is a succulent that is native to the...
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Mammillaria mystax - Bartkaktus

Mammillaria Mystax - beard cactus

Mammillaria Mystax, popularly known as a beard cactus, is a...
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Ephedra distachya - Gewöhnliches Meerträubel

Ephedra Distachya - ordinary marine strobes

Ephedra Distachya, generally known as marine tubes, is a plant...
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Commelina tuberosa - Blaue Tagblume

Commelina Tuberosa - Blue Tagblume

Commelina Tuberosa, generally known as a blue day flower, belongs...
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Hylotelephium spectabile - Fetthenne

Hylotelephium Spectabiles - Fetthenne

HylotelPhium Spectabiles, generally known as fathenne, belongs to the family...
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Morina longifolia - Langblättrige Kardendistel

Morina Longifolia - Long -leaf card thistle

Morina Longifolia, a remarkable plant from the Dipsacaceae family, has...
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Euphorbia characias - Palisaden Wolfsmilch

Euphorbia Characias - Palisaden Wolfsmilch

Euphorbia Characias, popularly known as the Mediterranean wolf milk or...
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Pseudopodospermum hispanicum - Garten-Schwarzwurzel

Pseudopodospermum Hispanicum - garden -black root

Pseudopodospermum Hispanicum, known in popularly known as a salsify, belongs...
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Coreopsis tinctoria - Mädchenauge

Coreopsis Tinctoria - girl's eye

Coreopsis Tinctoria, generally known as the colored yellow flower or...
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