Quercus macranthera - Persische Eiche

Quercus Macranthera - Persian oak

Quercus Macranthera, popularly known as Persian oak, is an impressive...
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Fenestraria rhopalophylla - Lebende Fensterpflanze

Fenestraria Rhopalophylla - window plant

Fenestraria Rhopalophylla, generally known as the window plant, belongs to...
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Aloe arborescens - Baum-Aloe

Aloe Arborescens - Baum -Aloe

Aloe Arborescens, known in popularly known as a tree aloe,...
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Gasteria obliqua

Gasteria Obliqua

Gasteria Obliqua is a succulent plant species that belongs to...
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Berkheya purpurea - Südafrikanische Purpurdistel

Berkheya Purpurea - South African purple pourdistle

Berkheya Purpurea, generally known as South African purple tistula, belongs...
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Aloe perfoliata - Schuttaloe

Aloe Perfoliata - Schuttaloe

Aloe Perfoliata, also known as "Schuttaloe", belongs to the ASPHODELACEAE...
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Aeonium goochiae - Gooch's Aeonium

Aeonium Goochiae - Gooch's Aeonium

Aeonium Goochiae, also known as Gooch's Aeonium, represents a fascinating...
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Allagopappus canariensis - Kanarisches Bertramkraut

Allagopappus Canariensis - Canarian Bertram herb

Allagopappus Canariensis, generally known as Canary Bertram herb, belongs to...
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Lotus berthelotii - Kanarischer Hornklee

Lotus Berthelotii - Canarian horn clover

Lotus Berthelotii, popularly known as a Canarian horn clover, belongs...
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