Thymus vulgaris - Echter Thymian

Thymus Vulgaris - real thyme

Thymus Vulgaris, also known as real thyme or spice thyme,...
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Bergenia stracheyi - Himalaja-Bergenie

Bergenia Stracheyi - Himalaya mountains

Bergenia Stracheyi, also known as Strachey's Bergenia or Himalaya mountains,...
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Hylotelephium telephium - Purpur-Fetthenne

Hylotelphium Telephium - Purpur -fatthenne

Hylotelephium Telephium, also known as the ordinary fathenne or purple...
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Geranium pratense - Wiesen-Storchschnabel

Geranium Pratense - meadow stork beak

Geranium Pratense, generally known as meadow stork beak, is native...
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Haworthiopsis × curta

Haworthiopsis × curta

Horthiopsis × Curta is a hybrid from the genus haworthiopsis,...
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Dioscorea elephantipes

Dioscorea elephantipes - turtle plant

Dioscorea Elephantipes, also known as a turtle plant, belongs to...
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